Invest energy and resources into communicating with all levels of staff about this QI project.

Invest energy and resources into communicating with all levels of staff about this project, including why it is important, how it ties in with the CHC’s larger vision and goals, and opportunities and expectations for involvement.
Action Step(s)
  • Develop an internal communication plan for sharing project progress and outcomes with staff. 
  • Refer to this toolkit for how to establish expectations, increase communication, institute accountability, and engagement.

  • Share data across the organization using dashboards and/or reports, establishing a regular reporting schedule.

  • Convene clinicians and staff for “snorkel” sessions, a process for generating ideas from frontline staff promoted by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. A shorter version of the “deep dive” methodology for generating new ideas, “snorkeling” brings together staff for storytelling and brainstorming. These sessions not only help identify new interventions for testing, but also are a powerful tool for engaging frontline staff. 


Tools & Resources