PCCC Measure

The PCCC is a patient-reported outcome performance measure (PRO-PM) that assesses the quality of contraceptive counseling. Endorsed by NQF in Winter 2020, the PCCC measure is appropriate for use in any health care setting providing contraceptive counseling to its patients.

PCCC Measure Scale

The four-item PCCC scale assesses the three domains of patient-centered contraceptive counseling, with consideration of the three domains of interest revealed by qualitative research with patients: interpersonal connection between provider and patient, adequate information, and decision support. The PCCC scale can be self-administered by patients immediately or in the days or weeks following a contraceptive counseling visit. 

PCCC Measure survey
Think about your visit. How do you think {Provider Name} did? Please rate them on each of the following by circling a number. POOR FAIR GOOD VERY GOOD EXCELLENT
Respecting me as a person 1 2 3 4 5
Letting me say what mattered to me about my birth control method 1 2 3 4 5
Taking my preferences about my birth control seriously 1 2 3 4 5
Giving me enough information to make the best decision about my birth control method 1 2 3 4 5

Interpreting PCCC Measure Results

The PCCC measure is an “all-or-none” measure. includes in its numerator only those patients who gave a  top score of “5” (“Excellent”) on all four items (the denominator is all survey responses). Because the items of the  PCCC interact with each other synergistically, it is believed that this kind of all-or-none measure more closely reflects the interests and desires of patients. Furthermore, all-or-none measurement fosters a system-level perspective by encouraging concern with the totality of care (i.e., all survey items), not only parts. You may be interested in looking at your item-level scores as well in order to identify specific areas for improvement. 

Measure Score Reference
Percentage of patients who gave a top score ("5" on all four items on the PCCC scale) 56% Below 80% - Deficits detected
Between 80% and 89% - Good - some areas may need attention
90% and above - Excellent

Where Does Your PCCC Measure Score Fall?

90% - 100% - Excellent
80% - 89% - Good
<79% - Deficits detected

CHC Average
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Your Score