Build foundational contraceptive knowledge among all clinicians in primary care.

Ensure all clinicians caring for reproductively capable people have foundational contraceptive knowledge.
Action Step(s)
  • Identify clinicians with a strong foundational knowledge in contraceptive care and those requesting or requiring additional education and training.
  • Conduct learning sessions to assess knowledge and teach foundational concepts on contraceptive care to clinicians.
  • Provide job aides for quick reference on contraceptive eligibility and common contraceptive side effects or problems.
Tools & Resources
  • Contraception 101 (Website with video lecture, facilitator guide w/ activity, & quiz): From Innovating Education in Reproductive Health, this video lecture on the basics of contraception includes a lesson plan, facilitator guide, and knowledge assessment quiz.
  • Fertility Awareness Based Methods (Website with video lectures): This six-part video series from Innovating Education in Reproductive Health has modules on terminology, efficacy, research, and different methods of Fertility Awareness Based contraception.